Rue des Bollandistes 40, 1040 Etterbeek, Belgium
The FPTR was created during the Second World War, when theology students could no longer travel abroad under German occupation. A number of Belgian ministers of worship took the initiative to establish an academic course in Protestant theology in Brussels. What started out in French, immediately after the war also had a Dutch-speaking follow-up. The Flemish Government recognizes the FPTR by decree, which has been included in the Higher Education Codex. This means that the programs are legally recognized and academically accredited. We offer Bachelor, Master and Doctoral programs in Protestant Theology and Religious Studies. The FPTR also offers the possibility to study digitally . We are a modest institution in the heart of Brussels (near Montgomery). The proximity of the European quarter offers the opportunity for regular exchanges and visits, broadening the horizon of social interest and political concern about religion. In addition to the Dutch-speaking faculty, a French-speaking sister institution is also active. The Faculté Universitaire de Theologie Protestante (FUTP) lives under the same roof as the FPTR. We also conduct pioneering research in the field of religious studies.
School Director: Johan Temmerman
Population: 1500
Population of Teaching Staff: