Rua Reverendo Agostinho Pedro Neto, corner with Rua Nossa Senhora da Muxima, Bairro Kinaxixi, Luanda.
ANGOLA METHODIST UNIVERSITY, authorized by Decree 30/07, continues the Methodist educational activity in the country, which dates back to March 18, 1885, with the arrival of Bishop William Taylor and 45 women and men in mission, to raise schools, hospitals and churches in the service of the Kimbundu people. In the first two years, they established their activities beyond Luanda, along the Kwanza River, in Nhangue-a-Pepe, Quiongua, Quéssua, Hombo-a-Njinji, Mufuque and Mucondo. These missions had self-support as a principle, which defined the Methodist identity in Angola. One of the main effects of the mission was the awakening and training of indigenous leaders, such as Florinda Bessa, João Gaspar Fernandes, Mateus Pereira Inglês, João Leão Webba, Maria Chaves and Adão Gaspar Domingos, who served the Church and society, driven by the message of the liberation of the oppressed, proclaimed by Jesus himself, in the Gospels.
School Director: Martha Nyanungo Sambanje
Population: 15000
Population of Teaching Staff: 400