Middlesex Community College

Middlesex Community College

591 Springs Road, Bedford.

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Student success starts at Middlesex Community College. We help today's students prepare for tomorrow's challenges. Our caring and experienced faculty, staff and counselors are eager to help you get the education you need to achieve your goals. If you're not quite sure of your direction, we can help you figure out where you want to go and design a plan to get you there. Your path could lead to a certificate, associate degree, transfer to a bachelor's degree program, or to a new job or career advancement. Middlesex offers students of all ages and stages a host of options for continuing their education. There's sure to be one that fits your life, today and for the future. We serve students of all academic abilities, with Honors programs for students to learn at advanced levels Certificates and degrees for students who either want to continue on to a bachelor's degree or seek employment Academic support to help students with the foundation needed to be successful in their studies

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