9, rue Essakhra Al Qods
Contributing to the training of high level executives, at the service of efficient management of the Moroccan company, performing and modern, this is the central mission of HEP Management . In this context, it offers its students two major training centers: the Normal PolyManagement Cycle, the ENCG Bac + 3 cycle, open to baccalauréat holders and Bac + 1 / Bac + 2 (passerelle system), and the PolyManagement Superior Cycle , Bac + 5 in two years, open to graduates of Higher Education (Bac + 3 or more). Starting from the year 2012/2013, HEP Management students can now benefit from a significant advantage: their training is officially accredited by the Ministry of Higher Education, the Normal Cycle, accredited -Licence d ' State, the Higher Cycle, accredited -Master State.
School Director:
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