Ehitajate tee 5, 12616 Tallinn, Estonia
Established in 1918, Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech; Estonian: Tallinna Tehnikaülikool) is the only technical university in Estonia. TalTech, in the capital city of Tallinn, is a university for engineering, business, public administration and maritime affairs. TalTech has colleges in Tartu and Kohtla-Järve. Despite the similar names, Tallinn University and Tallinn University of Technology are separate institutions. There are over 30 fully accredited international degree programmes (4 Bachelor programmes, 18 Master programmes and 10 PhD programmes) that are available fully in English. TalTech conducts research and develops high-tech applications in many fields: Organic and analytic chemistry (Chemistry) Food biotechnology and neurobiology (Biotechnology) Geology (Earth Sciences) Power converter research (Power Electronics) Solar cell materials and tribomaterials (Material Sciences) Computer system research and biorobotics (ICT) Near-zero energy building (Civil Engineering) Public administration (Social Sciences).
School Director: Tiit Land
Population: 12500
Population of Teaching Staff: 1000