R. Padre Ladislau Kula, 395 - Santo Inácio, Curitiba.
Studying at a university with a faculty made up of masters and doctors makes all the difference to your curriculum. In addition, Tuiuti students benefit from innovative differentials, launched in 2016: PIMENTA – Center for Research, Innovation and Business , is an entrepreneurship center focused on activities aimed at entrepreneurial education and open innovation, through activities developed by PIMENTA's facilitating professors. START – Career Improvement Center , whose main focus is the development of human potential, working strategically for the professional and personal growth of academics and graduates. Start is responsible for bridging the gap between the student and the job market. Through partnerships with companies and integrating agents, such as CIEE/PR, Start manages internships and jobs for our students to enter the professional world. Health clinics for practical application of theories learned in the classroom and community service. Under the command of the professors, the students of the Psychology, Veterinary Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, Physiotherapy, Aesthetics and Cosmetics, and Speech Therapy, monthly care for about 5,800 people, reaching more than 50,000 people per year. Farm-School – The Veterinary Medicine and Agronomy courses have a farm-school with all the technology for the practical application of the profession. Legal Practice Nucleus – NPJ , support unit for teaching-learning, research and scientific initiation, extension. Students of the Law course provide legal assistance, within the Forum, to the economically needy population of Curitiba. It is the practical experience in loco that allows assistance to more than 200 people per day.
School Director: Luiz Guilherme Rangel Santos
Population: 30000
Population of Teaching Staff: